If you are generally unhappy with the service you receive or have questions related to your investment, we would like to know so that we can improve.
Any Chelton employee may receive a complaint from a customer and is responsible for doing everything they can to resolve the challenge at the first point of contact. If an employee feels that he or she lacks the experience, expertise or authority to resolve the matter immediately, the matter may be referred to a superior. Call the CEO Peter Borggren on 040-50 00 05, and hopefully you can sort it out straight away.
If you feel that we have not met a requirement or request for rectification and you wish to make a formal complaint, this should be done in writing to the Complaints Officer.
The Complaints Officer at Chelton AB is Danny Scheers.
The complaint form should be emailed to complaints@cheltonwealth.com.
Processing times
Once we have received your complaint, we will acknowledge receipt and start an investigation. The complaint should be resolved within 14 days. If the case requires longer processing, we will inform you and let you know when action or a response can be expected.
If you as a customer are not satisfied with Chelton's handling of your complaint, you can contact Konsumenternas Bank- och finansbyrå for advice on telephone number 0200-22 58 00, www.konsumenternas.se. You can also contact Allmänna reklamationsnämnden on 08-508 860 00, arn@arn.se, or turn to the general court to hear your case.