Our response to the Cheltonwealthproblems.com website

Our response to the Cheltonwealthproblems.com website
As we have been faced with negative discussions about Chelton online, we have chosen to respond transparently and present our perspective on the matter. We obviously prefer to resolve a disagreement individually, but this is such a special case that we choose to inform our potential customers.
The person in question asked Chelton GmbH (Switzerland) a couple of years ago to help him deal with a large loss on his trading account because he could no longer manage it himself. After consulting with some people in the trading team, they were willing to try to help, although they could not guarantee that they would be able to improve the account's performance. He gave them his broker's contact details and login information. The trading team then linked his account to their main account, from which they trade their own money, among other things.
The man later contacted the trading team and informed them that his account had gone heavily into the red. It turned out that positions had been bought that were 10-20 times larger than those taken by the team. When the team contacted the broker to ask how this could have happened, they were told that these positions had been manually placed from a different IP address corresponding to the area in China where the person was located. When confronted with this, he strongly denied that it was him.
He demanded a refund of all the money he had lost (which he claimed Chelton had caused). The man, who is a web specialist by profession, threatened to defame Chelton and all related internet actors if he did not get his way, which he did.
The standard procedure for dealing with such issues is for customers to lodge an official complaint with the complaints officer. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can refer the matter to the Swiss Financial Ombudsman Service. Alternatively, you can contact the supervisory authority, which will refer you to the Ombudsman. You can also seek the help of a law firm. These options are designed to protect clients.
The man has not used any of these options. Instead, he has published his story on the internet where everything can be spread without consequences, after threats of payment.
We would also like to take this opportunity to clarify that, following this, we do not accept shared trading on client accounts, to avoid such problems in the future.
Chelton is currently investigating the possibility of suing him for defamation, slander and extortion.
This case concerns Chelton GmbH (Switzerland), Chelton AB has nothing to do with it, nor does it concern the management results of the respective strategy's MAM accounts.
Yours sincerely
The Board of Directors of Chelton AB